العمل التطوعي بأوروبا 2024 Volunteer work in Europe

العمل التطوعي بأوروبا 2024 Volunteer work in Europe
European Solidarity Corps – Our Mission and Principles
Mission of the European Solidarity Corps
The European Solidarity Corps brings together young people to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and responding to societal challenges. It offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn and develop.
Principles of the European Solidarity Corps
European Solidarity Corps participants carry with them ideas, convictions and expectations. The participating organisations have to be mindful of these needs as they are responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organisations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities.
These general principles of conduct take into account the great variety of potential participants, organisations and environments in which activities may be performed. They should be adapted to the specific circumstances of each activity.
Young people planning to join the European Solidarity Corps should read this document carefully. As a European Solidarity Corps participant, one agrees to uphold the following principles:
- European Solidarity Corps participants embrace the values of solidarity, respect for human dignity and human rights, and believe in the promotion of a fair and equal society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality prevail;
اقرأ أيضًا: عقد عمل في هولندا اخر اجل للتسجيل 25 غشت 2024
- European Solidarity Corps participants strive to enhance solidarity between people, while respecting their cultures and their traditions, and aim to build a community of shared responsibilities and mutual support;
- European Solidarity Corps participants are willing to make meaningful contributions to society and will show solidarity, cooperation and mutual understanding;
- European Solidarity Corps participants must not act in any way that could put others or themselves at risk of being harmed;
- European Solidarity Corps participants must respect the rules, organisational structure and practices that govern the hosting organisation, bearing in mind also that this frame may be necessary to respect the personal health, safety and dignity of individuals involved in the activity. European Solidarity Corps participants must also abide by the laws in force in the host country;
- joining the European Solidarity Corps must always be the voluntary choice of a young person, and they are free to resign from the initiative. They have the right to refuse to accept any offer of a Corps placement without affecting their chance to receive other offers in the future;
- the participation in the European Solidarity Corps does not involve the payment of any fee;
- at the end of their placement, European Solidarity Corps participants are entitled to receive a European Solidarity Corps certificate, confirming their participation in the activity;
- when accepting a placement for a volunteering activity, European Solidarity Corps participants will sign a Solidarity Contract with the participating organisation, detailing the conditions of their activity, in line with the principles of the European Solidarity Corps Charter. For an occupational activity, the employment contract will serve a similar purpose;
- prior to the start of the activity and during their deployment, European Solidarity Corps participants will receive clear information about the tasks they will carry out and, where appropriate, adequate training and linguistic support.
Thank you for beginning the process of becoming a participant of the European Solidarity Corps.
Before you continue, please answer the following questions to confirm that you agree with and will uphold the Mission and Principles of the European Solidarity Corps, and that you are eligible to join the European Solidarity Corps.
You must be over 17 to register for the European Solidarity Corps. (You cannot start a project until you are over 18.) Also you must be legally resident in or have the nationality of one of the European Union Member States, or of the following countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Turkey.
If you are selected for a European Solidarity Corps project you will be asked to provide documentary proof that you are eligible to join the activity for which you have been selected.
European Solidarity Corps Mission and Principles
It is important that all participants in the European Solidarity Corps are aware of and agree to uphold the Mission and Principles of the European Solidarity Corps.
Our Mission
The European Solidarity Corps brings together young people to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and responding to societal challenges. It offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn and develop.
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