القائمة الرئيسية


فرصة السفر الى سويسرا لمدة سنتين 2024-2025 آخر أجل 15 غشت 2024


فرصة السفر الى سويسرا لمدة سنتين آخر أجل 15 غشت 2024

فرصة السفر الى سويسرا لمدة سنتين آخر أجل 15 غشت 2024

Traveling to Switzerland for two years

Young Experts Program

The WIPO Young Experts Program (YEP) aims to upskill and expand the capabilities of the next generation of global Intellectual Property (IP) leaders to help build innovation ecosystems around the world.

Through this 2-year competitive program, 10 young and talented professionals will work first-hand on WIPO's various initiatives.
 The Program offers exposure to both technical and strategic aspects of IP, allowing YEP participants to gain skills and knowledge that can contribute to the future economic growth of their countries and regions.

This is a unique opportunity for your career and a leadership program for life!

The YEP is not intended as a vehicle for recruitment into WIPO, but to grow IP leaders who can then make a difference on the ground in different parts of the world. As such, and in line with the practice in similar programs, participants in the YEP will not be allowed to apply for any jobs at WIPO during their time as a YEP. Those participating will also not be allowed to work at or for WIPO in the two years following the end of their participation in the YEP.

Use your skills to make a difference with WIPO

As we kick off our 2025-2026 cohort recruitment, we invite you on a thrilling journey to discover and unite with our community of innovators. Each step in our selection process is a chance to showcase your unique strengths and join a transformative adventure of growth and success. Welcome to the beginning of an extraordinary journey!


  • Max 35 years old at the time application is submitted
  • Available for 24 months for 2025 - 2026
  • A University degree
  • At least 2 years relevant experience
  • Excellent analytical, research & organisational skills
  • Excellent communication & interpersonal skills
  • Excellent written & spoken English


5'000 Swiss Francs (CHF) / month

Contribution to cover 50% of medical insurance costs

Accident insurance

Contribution towards travel expenses

Possible assistance on VISA entry in Switzerland

Possible guidance on accomodation

Selection process timeline

  • Applications close: 15 August 2024
  • Initial screening tests: end August 2024
  • Virtual Interview: September 2024
  • Selection: October 2024
  • Onboarding: between November and January 2025
  • Program start: 1 February 2025

Young Experts Program Cohort 2025-2026

Key information potential applicants need about the program, such as who can apply, stipend, events where they can learn more about the program, the deadline for submitting their applications, the program start date, contact information, what they can expect if they’re selected and how we inform them, news about the program.
